
Several cases of ferrite in carburization quenching

  • 摘要: 铁素体是钢中最常见的组织之一,然而,渗碳零件心部铁素体的数量和形态对零件的综合性能有重要影响,故需要对渗碳淬火出现块状铁素体的原因进行分析.基于大量的实践案例,从工件渗碳过程中出现的块状铁素体的形态入手,通过金相组织的观察进行原因分析,并提出设备优化与改进方案,进行有效验证,证明了改进措施的可行性.


    Abstract: Ferrite is a prevalent structure in steel;however,the quantity and morphology of ferrite in the carburized parts'core significantly impact their overall properties.Therefore,it is essential to analyze the factors contributing to the formation of extensive ferrite during carburizing and quenching processes.Drawing on numerous practical cases,this study focuses on block-like ferrite formations observed during workpiece carburization.Through metallographic analysis,we identify the underlying reasons and propose optimization and improvement plans for equipment while effectively validating their feasibility.


