
Application of number intelligence in calculation of steel hardenability

  • 摘要: 钢淬透性的计算在诸多钢种的设计与制造中具有重要的意义.将钢淬透性的计算方法——GROSSMAN方法中复杂的特征曲线图拟合成公式,并做成Visual Basic程序,使钢淬透性计算更加简捷.此外,通过试验验证了拟合公式和VB程序在淬透性计算结果方面的准确性,从而为钢淬透性计算提供了一种便捷的方法.


    Abstract: The calculation of steel hardenability is of great significance in the design and manufacture of steel.In this paper,the complex characteristic curve of the GROSSMAN method,which is a calculation method of steel hardenability,is fitted into a formula and made into a Visual Basic program to make it more concise and efficient.Additionally,the experiment proves that this method has high accuracy and provides a convenient channel for calculating steel hardenability.


