
Feature Reason Analysis of 65Mn spring

  • 摘要: 某65Mn钢减振弹簧在使用一年后发生断裂。通过宏观分析、化学成分分析、硬度测试、金相分析以及断口微观分析等方法对弹簧的断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:坯料表面的氧化皮没有清除干净,拔丝时形成折叠和微小裂纹,在交变载荷的作用下,裂纹不断扩展,最终发生了疲劳断裂。


    Abstract: Abstract: The vibration damping spring of  65Mn Steel broke after one year of use。The fracture causes of spring were analyzed by means of macro analysis, chemical composition analysis, hardness test, metallographic analysis and fracture micro analysis. The results show that the oxide skin on the surface of the billet is not cleaned, and the folding and micro cracks are formed in the drawing process. Under the action of alternating load, the cracks continue to expand, and finally the spring has fatigue fracture.


