王锟. 采用CO2气体保护焊工艺提高起重机吊臂结构件焊接效率[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2011, (12): 65-65.
引用本文: 王锟. 采用CO2气体保护焊工艺提高起重机吊臂结构件焊接效率[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2011, (12): 65-65.
CO2 gas shielded welding process using in crane boom structure to improve the welding efficiency[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2011, (12): 65-65.
Citation: CO2 gas shielded welding process using in crane boom structure to improve the welding efficiency[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2011, (12): 65-65.


CO2 gas shielded welding process using in crane boom structure to improve the welding efficiency

  • 摘要: 在起重机的制造中吊臂结构件焊接质量要求高,工作量大,传统焊条电弧焊效率低,质量也不稳定.CO2气体保护焊加半自动焊接行走机构形成CO2气体保护焊新工艺技术.该技术提高吊臂速度,成本低,结构简单,操作方便.


