周晟宇, 王磊. 借展会平台亮品牌雄心——韩国现代重工参展记[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2011, (12): 12-13.
引用本文: 周晟宇, 王磊. 借展会平台亮品牌雄心——韩国现代重工参展记[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2011, (12): 12-13.
The HYUNDAI attended the FA/PA exhibition which held in Beijing of China[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2011, (12): 12-13.
Citation: The HYUNDAI attended the FA/PA exhibition which held in Beijing of China[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2011, (12): 12-13.


The HYUNDAI attended the FA/PA exhibition which held in Beijing of China

  • 摘要: 2011年5月18~20日,2011国际现代工厂/过程自动化技术与装备展览会(以下简称:FA/PA展会)在北京国家会议中心隆重开幕.韩国现代重工携机器人产品首次受邀亮相FA/PA展会,刚一开展,就吸引了众多展商和观众的眼球.韩国现代重工集团金成乐副总裁、现代重工(中国)姜哲镐总裁、现代重工(中国)机器人部金汉钟部长等出席了本次展会,并参加了开幕典礼的剪彩仪式.


