于淑香. 强强联手铸名展与时俱进创新高——第十一届北京·埃森焊接与切割展览会开展前夕访展会组委会负责人、焊接专家、中国机械工业联合会副会长、中国机械工程学会副理事长兼秘书长宋天虎[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2006, (5): 2-3.
引用本文: 于淑香. 强强联手铸名展与时俱进创新高——第十一届北京·埃森焊接与切割展览会开展前夕访展会组委会负责人、焊接专家、中国机械工业联合会副会长、中国机械工程学会副理事长兼秘书长宋天虎[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2006, (5): 2-3.
Work out a famous exhibition by strong-to-strong jointing and make a new high step by keeping abreast of the times Interview with Mr. Song Tianhu, vice president of China machinery Industry Federation, and vice president and secretary-general[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2006, (5): 2-3.
Citation: Work out a famous exhibition by strong-to-strong jointing and make a new high step by keeping abreast of the times Interview with Mr. Song Tianhu, vice president of China machinery Industry Federation, and vice president and secretary-general[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2006, (5): 2-3.


Work out a famous exhibition by strong-to-strong jointing and make a new high step by keeping abreast of the times Interview with Mr. Song Tianhu, vice president of China machinery Industry Federation, and vice president and secretary-general

  • 摘要: 北京·埃森焊接展历经19年的发展,对推动中国焊接工业的发展产生了深远的影响,目前已成为亚洲最大、世界规模第二大的世界顶级国际焊接专业展,堪称中国乃至亚洲范围内焊接行业的"奥林匹克"盛会.为此,本届展会以无与伦比的参展国际性效果,赢得了国内外众多知名焊接参展商的信赖与鼎力支持,展会规模再创历史新高.为使广大读者更全面地了解本届展会的特点,本刊记者在展会前夕,采访了展会组委会负责人宋天虎先生.


