张伯明. 国内外铸造的节能降耗(中)[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2010, (21): 71-74.
引用本文: 张伯明. 国内外铸造的节能降耗(中)[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2010, (21): 71-74.
The energy saving situation of casting industry at home and aboard(2)[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2010, (21): 71-74.
Citation: The energy saving situation of casting industry at home and aboard(2)[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2010, (21): 71-74.


The energy saving situation of casting industry at home and aboard(2)

  • 摘要: 六、冷风冲天炉的节能 图4列出的冷风冲天炉出铁温度1350℃时,其热效率仅为30%.炉气带走的物理热为18%,未利用的化学热为39%,两者之和57%远大于30%.炉膛直径750mm的冲天炉其熔化时所需焦炭量如表6所示.


