Kumar Balan. 机械手式抛丸系统在发动机缸体清理中的应用[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2009, (7): 32-33.
引用本文: Kumar Balan. 机械手式抛丸系统在发动机缸体清理中的应用[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2009, (7): 32-33.
Shot blast cleaning system with robot hand for automatic cylinder block[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2009, (7): 32-33.
Citation: Shot blast cleaning system with robot hand for automatic cylinder block[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2009, (7): 32-33.


Shot blast cleaning system with robot hand for automatic cylinder block

  • 摘要: 1.缸体的内部清理 水冷发动机的气缸体和上曲轴箱常铸成一体.气缸体一般用灰铸铁铸成,其上部的圆柱形空腔称为气缸,下半部为支承曲轴的曲轴箱,其内腔为曲轴运动的空间.


