王凌云, 陈瑞路, 陈梅. 火焰矫正时碳钢管子鼓包原因分析及对策[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2008, (20): 39-41.
引用本文: 王凌云, 陈瑞路, 陈梅. 火焰矫正时碳钢管子鼓包原因分析及对策[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2008, (20): 39-41.
Analysis and countermeasures of carbon steel pipe drum in the process of flame correction[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2008, (20): 39-41.
Citation: Analysis and countermeasures of carbon steel pipe drum in the process of flame correction[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2008, (20): 39-41.


Analysis and countermeasures of carbon steel pipe drum in the process of flame correction

  • 摘要: 在制作锅炉水冷壁管屏时,常采取手工火焰矫正消除弯管的各项偏差和管组(屏)的焊接变形.但在实际生产中管子产生了氧化皮和鼓包现象.本文分析了手工火焰矫正管子时产生氧化皮和出现鼓包的机理和原因,提出了正确的矫正方法和注意事项.


