段俊昌. 响应国家环保大计,关注传统焊接的能源浪费——瑞凌实业呼吁传统焊接方式进行产业升级[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2010, (20): 12-12.
引用本文: 段俊昌. 响应国家环保大计,关注传统焊接的能源浪费——瑞凌实业呼吁传统焊接方式进行产业升级[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2010, (20): 12-12.
State environmental protection plans, pay attention to the response of the traditional welding energy waste[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2010, (20): 12-12.
Citation: State environmental protection plans, pay attention to the response of the traditional welding energy waste[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2010, (20): 12-12.


State environmental protection plans, pay attention to the response of the traditional welding energy waste

  • 摘要: 1.传统焊接中的能源浪费 焊接行业作为国家基础工业,历来都是低关注度行业,传统焊接过程中巨大的能源浪费、低效焊接给自然生态环境恶化带来的影响,一直以来被大家所忽视.


