
The Influence of Branched Flower Spots on Wind Planet Gears’ Performance

  • 摘要: 风电行星轮是风电齿轮箱的关键零部件之一,其质量直接影响齿轮箱寿命,本文主要针对行星轮渗碳淬火、内孔磨削后,酸蚀检查时发现内孔表面局部存在枝杈状花斑的情况,对行星轮进行解剖,分别从材料、硬度、金相组织等多个方面进行研究分析,评估枝杈状花斑对零件质量的影响


    Abstract: Summary  The planet gears in wind gearboxes are one of the key components which have direct inflection to gearbox life. This article mainly focuses on the situation where branched flower spots are found on the inner hole surface of planet gears during acid corrosion inspection after carburizing, quenching, and inner grinding processes. The planet gears are dissected and analyzed from multiple aspects such as material, hardness, and metallographic structure to evaluate the influence of branched flower spots on parts’ quality.


