闫伟光. 设备箱孔内腔磨损的焊修[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2007, (5): 60-61.
引用本文: 闫伟光. 设备箱孔内腔磨损的焊修[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2007, (5): 60-61.
Welding in mending the abrasion on the surface of inner cavity in equipment box[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2007, (5): 60-61.
Citation: Welding in mending the abrasion on the surface of inner cavity in equipment box[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2007, (5): 60-61.


Welding in mending the abrasion on the surface of inner cavity in equipment box

  • 摘要: 许多设备内部的箱孔(以下简称为孔)因磨损、腐蚀、冲击需要焊修,但由于孔内能见度差,焊工操作空间狭小运条较困难而放弃堆焊或焊接质量达不到要求而使设备报废,给企业造成很大损失.


