王新节. 汽车发动机缸体缸盖消失模铸造技术的研究与应用(一)[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2007, (2): 53-55,57.
引用本文: 王新节. 汽车发动机缸体缸盖消失模铸造技术的研究与应用(一)[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2007, (2): 53-55,57.
Research and application of lost foam casting technology for cylinder block and cylinder head of automotive engine ( 1 )[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2007, (2): 53-55,57.
Citation: Research and application of lost foam casting technology for cylinder block and cylinder head of automotive engine ( 1 )[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2007, (2): 53-55,57.


Research and application of lost foam casting technology for cylinder block and cylinder head of automotive engine ( 1 )

  • 摘要: 为了降低发动机单位功率的重量指标、油耗指标及尾气排放指标,我们研究并开发了消失模铸造直列四缸二气门下置凸轮柴油机缸体、缸盖产品.通过优化设计产品结构工艺、铸造环节流程工艺和铸铁材料性能,使每台套缸体、缸盖消失模铸件产品与普通砂型铸件相比,技术性能指标达到设计要求,生产成本大幅下降.


