Effect of multiple normalizations on grain size of 12Cr2Ni4 carburized steel
摘要: 通过对12Cr2Ni4渗碳钢进行多次正火的工艺试验,将多次正火的效果和普通正火效果进行对比分析,用金相法检测两种工艺方法的金相组织。在正火温度加热、保温时间完全相同的情况下,多次正火后获得的珠光体组织较细,晶粒得到细化,钢的强度、硬度均得到较高。Abstract: Through the multiple normalizing process test of 12Cr2Ni4 carburized steel, the effect of multiple normalizing and ordinary normalizing effect were compared and analyzed, and the metallographic structure of the two processes was detected by metallographic method. When the normalizing temperature is heated and the holding time is exactly the same, the pearlite obtained after multiple normalizing is finer, the grain is refined, and the strength and hardness of the steel are higher.