王振道. 一次焊缝内在缺陷引起的焊接工艺改进[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2006, (11): 44-45.
引用本文: 王振道. 一次焊缝内在缺陷引起的焊接工艺改进[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2006, (11): 44-45.
Improvement of welding process for inner disfigurements in the first welding line[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2006, (11): 44-45.
Citation: Improvement of welding process for inner disfigurements in the first welding line[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2006, (11): 44-45.


Improvement of welding process for inner disfigurements in the first welding line

  • 摘要: 简述了因缺陷对箱形梁焊接工艺质量改进的过程.通过对实际焊接过程的不断观察,分析了原工艺的不合理之处,并不断改进,直至保证产品质量.


