刘新. 铝合金精馏塔的现场焊接技术[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2007, (5): 58-59.
引用本文: 刘新. 铝合金精馏塔的现场焊接技术[J]. 金属加工(热加工), 2007, (5): 58-59.
Welding technology in spot for rectification tower made of aluminum alloy[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2007, (5): 58-59.
Citation: Welding technology in spot for rectification tower made of aluminum alloy[J]. MW Metal Forming, 2007, (5): 58-59.


Welding technology in spot for rectification tower made of aluminum alloy

  • 摘要: 一、概述 首钢制氧厂从西德林德公司购入的3万m3的制氧机组全套设备总重量约2200t,80多万件.仅铝合金管道就有11种之多,其空分装置冷箱内的铝合金管道材质等级为K级,设计温度为-195~150℃,管道从φ25mm到φ100mm共98条管线,长度累计3470多m,仅管道接头多达3200多个.


